1945 July 22
First African American Missionary Baptist Church Founded
Rev. J. H. Hill sent from Mt. Zion Baptist Church (Knoxville) to preach
1946 October 4
Rev J. H. Hill becomes first pastor
Name of Church Changed to Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church
1947 April 4
Rev C. C. Fuller becomes second pastor
Groundbreaking Services
1949 Decemer 2
Deed to the land received
for a cash payment of $271.95. Excecuted by trustees L. C. Crowder, B. C. Cammon, and Johnnie Harris
Basement Completed
Worship Services were now held in the basement
Sanctuary completed and dedications ceremonies held
1972 February
Rev C. C. Fuller retires
Additions to the church completed
Including Baptistm pool and Pastoral study
1972 November
Elder D. J. Ward becomes 3rd pastor
1989 August 14
Elder D. J. Ward leaves
He becomes pastor of Main Street Baptist Church in Lexington, Kentucky
1989 August 15
Elder Barney G. Johnson becomes interim pastor
August 10 1990
Elder T. L. Mims becomes 4th pastor
He preaches his first sermon on 7 October 1990
1995 July 26
Sanctucary remodeling completed and dedicated.
2018 September 8
Elder T. L. Mims is called to eternal rest
2019 July 12
Elder Henry D. C. accepts pastoral call
He begins his pastorate on 3 August 2019 and is installed as the fifth pastor 8 September 2019
2023 April 30